Over the last year, the pandemic has challenged businesses to adapt to new remote working conditions and fundamentally overhaul the method in which business is conducted.
Hedgehog is no exception to the rule. We remain committed to our team, clients, and the public to stay up-to-date on the latest COVID-19 guidelines directed by our health professionals. Even with our offices at limited capacity, we remain connected and supportive of each other.
At the time of this article, our team has administered their first dose of the vaccine and is awaiting the second. As vaccinations continue to roll out, we are looking forward to resuming normal operations. In the meantime, here is how we are continuing to stay safe.
Hedgehog Tech COVID-19 safety guidelines:
- Office sanitization measures. Maintaining a safe and clean office by providing hand sanitizer, soap, and alcohol wipes. We encourage our team to wash their hands frequently to avoid spreading.
- Minimizing large gatherings. Our shift to a remote work-from-home mandate last year has allowed us to minimize the number of in-office gatherings. Currently, it is a requirement to have a minimum of one person in the office with a maximum of four at one time.
- Masks and physical distancing. Providing a steady supply of comfortable masks for the team. When in small groups, we encourage social distancing of at least 6 feet (about 2 arm lengths) apart from others.
- New software tools for projects. To facilitate safer inspections we developed a report aggregation to empower our team to perform work digitally and with minimal need for extra bodies. The software reduces physical contact, improves efficiency, and increases transparency to our clients.
Hedgehog will continue to monitor the data surrounding COVID-19 to ensure our practices remain in the interest of health and safety for everyone.
For more information on COVID-19 and other useful resources visit the HealthLink BC website.
Also stay connected with Hedgehog Technologies on LinkedIn and Twitter