Functional Safety: A Validated Approach for Safer Machines

Functional safety not only guides how engineers can make safer machines, it's a philosophy centered around a robust validation framework.

Advanced Systems Testing: A Skinner Box for Site Commissioning

Custom control system manufacturing, factory acceptance testing of subsystems, and site commissioning have traditionally been a long process.

5 considerations for safe motion controlled machines

Developing complex motion controlled machines and safety instrumented systems with budgets that reach well into the millions of dollars.

Safety systems ensure reliable operation when you need it most

Functional safety engineers elevates project delivery because high-value solutions are only so if they mitigate risk through safety systems.

Maintaining the Beast: Designing Safety into Amusement Park Rides

The Beast at Playland is one of those rides that guarantees to fulfill anyone’s mortal fears of heights, speed, and total disorientation. 

Electrical Codes and Standards: Tips to Reduce Cost Risk on International Projects

Codes and standards ensure that materials, products, processes and services are safe and fit for their intended purpose.

Engineering Strategic Value Part 2: Business Transformation from a Project-Focused Enterprise to a Product-Focused Business

For engineering strategic value part II we will look at strategies to assist companies to transform their operations.

Engineering Strategic Value Part 1: Business Transformation from a Project-Focused Enterprise to a Product-Focused Business

Business transformation constantly seeks out change and growth is rarely straightforward and presents challenges to any enterprise.
Okanagan Indian Band project

Okanagan Indian Band Exploring Solar Power

Exploring solar energy to enhance community power is the focus of a new energy plan being developed by the Okanagan Indian Band.

Subsea Electric Power Transmission Techniques from DC to AC

In the past decade, the significant improvements in high speed, high voltage transistor technology enabled the design of more sophisticated subsea electrical power transmission systems.